How can I pay for my order?

You can pay through Cash on Delivery, Visa/Master/UnionPay Credit/Debit Cards, mobile wallet.


Can you ship orders all over Pakistan?

Yes, almost we are sending all across in Pakistan.

What are the delivery charges?

You will find the shipping or delivery charges while ordering the products at checkout page. Delivery charges depend on weight and location based. However, some products have flat shipping rates.

How can I track or check status of my order?

Order status can be checked from 'My Orders' screen in your account. 

How can I return a product?

Please visit Returns & Refunds page for more information.

Do I have to pay for shipping charges when returning a product?

No, you don't have to pay for shipping charges when returning a product

Can I return a product after 7 days?

You have to initiate a return process within 7 days of delivery. Unfortunately after 7 days, we won't be able to accept return request.

Do you verify orders?

Yes, before processing any order our customer service team will call you on your mentioned cell phone number to verify order.

What is the warranty policy?

Warranty policy varies from vendor to vendor and product to product. We do not offer warranty claims directly. Warranty claims are processed directly through the vendor at their respective service centers.

Not all products come with a warranty. If the products are available with a warranty then it will be clearly mentioned in the product specification or description.